Permanent and Contract Recruitment as
and when you need it
Who is this ideal for?
Businesses that have urgent hiring needs to fill
certain gaps within their teams or to back-fill
newly opened positions within teams.
How we do it
We recruit people right from entry level up to
senior management filing individual roles as
they emerge due to team expansion or
employee departures. For permanent hiring,
we offer contingency or retainer solutions. We
would take a detailed job description of the
role and utilise our marketing channels, and
our network to manage the process until the
role is filled.
Additional Services
Speed of hire for newly created positions within the
team to fill skill gaps or to back-fill a newly vacant
existing role, on an ad-hoc basis.
Save hours of screening and interviewing candidates to get a shortlist
Save on Internal acquisition resource commitment for ad-hoc hires
Serves in place of an Internal Acquisition team if this is absent from the organisation